Nearby Share Apk Download For Android [Updated 2023]


Nearby Share is a peer-to-peer file sharing feature developed by Google for Android devices. It allows users to share files,

links, photos, and more with nearby Android devices, without the need for an internet connection.

The feature uses a combination of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Direct to establish a secure

connection between devices, and can transfer files at speeds of up to 480 Mbps.

Nearby Share is built into the Android operating system and can be accessed from the quick settings menu or the share menu

in supported apps. It also offers a range of customization options, such as the ability to

choose who can send you files, and the ability to control the visibility of your device to others.

Overall, Nearby Share is a useful tool for sharing files quickly and easily between

Android devices, especially when an internet connection is not available or reliable.

What is

Nearby Share is not an APK itself, but rather a feature that is built into the Android operating system.

An APK (Android Package Kit) is a file format used for distributing and installing apps on Android devices.

However, if you’re referring to downloading the Nearby Share feature as an APK file, it’s not necessary as it is a built-in feature on

devices running Android 6.0 or higher. You can check if your device supports Nearby

Share by going to Settings > Google > Device connections > Nearby Share.

If your device does not have the Nearby Share feature, you may be able to install it by updating your device to the latest version

of Android or installing a custom ROM that supports it. However, it’s important to note that installing apps or features from third-

party sources can pose security risks, and it’s generally recommended to use only

official sources for downloading and installing apps and features on your Android device.

What is usage of

As mentioned earlier, Nearby Share is not an APK itself but rather a feature built into the Android operating system.

The purpose of Nearby Share is to make it easy for Android users to share files and

content with other nearby Android devices. Here are some of the ways in which Nearby Share can be used:

Sharing files between devices: You can use Nearby Share to quickly and easily share files such as photos, videos, documents, and

more with other nearby Android devices. Simply select the file you want to share and tap on the Nearby Share icon.

Sharing links: You can also use Nearby Share to share web links with other nearby

Android devices. This can be useful for quickly sharing articles, websites, and other online content.

Transferring data between devices: If you’re setting up a new Android device, you can

use Nearby Share to transfer data such as contacts, messages, and apps from your old device to your new one.

Sharing your location: You can also use Nearby Share to share your location with friends or family members who are nearby.

This can be useful for meeting up with people or keeping track of each other’s whereabouts.

Overall, Nearby Share is a convenient and useful feature for sharing files and content

between Android devices, especially when an internet connection is not available or reliable.

App Details

Name Nearby Share Apk
Version v1.70.515599993
Package Name
Size 13.92 MB
Category Apps/Tools
Developer Google LLC
Minimal Support Required 5.0 and up

Screenshots of App

How to download

As I mentioned earlier, Nearby Share is not an APK file that can be downloaded separately.

It is a built-in feature of the Android operating system, starting with Android 6.0 Marshmallow and above.

To check if your device supports Nearby Share, go to your device settings, then to

Google > Device connections > Nearby Share. If your device supports it, you can turn it on and start using it.

If your device doesn’t support Nearby Share, you can check for any available updates for your device’s Android operating system.

If there are no updates available or your device still doesn’t support Nearby Share,

unfortunately, you won’t be able to use this feature on your device.

How to use

As I mentioned earlier, Nearby Share is a built-in feature of the Android operating system that can be used to quickly and

easily share files and content between nearby Android devices. Here’s how to use Nearby Share:

Make sure both devices have Nearby Share turned on: To use Nearby Share, both the sender and the receiver need to have the

feature turned on. To do this, go to Settings > Google > Device connections > Nearby Share on both devices and turn on the feature.

Select the file or content you want to share: Once Nearby Share is turned on, you can share files and content such as photos,

videos, documents, web links, and more. Simply select the file or content you want to share.

Tap the Nearby Share icon: In most apps, you can find the Nearby Share icon in the

share menu. Tap on the Nearby Share icon to initiate the sharing process.

Select the recipient: Nearby Share will automatically scan for nearby Android

devices that also have Nearby Share turned on. Select the device you want to share with.

Accept the transfer: On the receiving device, a notification will appear asking if you want

to accept the incoming file or content. Tap on “Accept” to complete the transfer.

Overall, using Nearby Share is a quick and easy way to share files and content between

nearby Android devices without the need for an internet connection.


Sure, here are some frequently asked questions about Nearby Share:

Q: Is Nearby Share available for iOS devices? A: No, Nearby Share is currently

only available for Android devices running Android 6.0 or higher.

Q: What types of files can I share using Nearby Share? A: You can share a wide

variety of files and content types using Nearby Share, including photos, videos, documents, web links, and more.

Q: How fast is the transfer speed of Nearby Share? A: Nearby Share can transfer files at

speeds of up to 480 Mbps, depending on the devices and the network conditions.

Q: Do both devices need to have an internet connection to use Nearby Share? A: No, Nearby Share uses a combination of

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Direct to establish a secure connection between devices, so an internet connection is not required.

Q: Can I customize who can send me files using Nearby Share? A: Yes, you can customize who can send you files using

Nearby Share by going to Settings > Google > Device connections > Nearby Share and

selecting “Device visibility” and “Preferred visibility”.

Q: Can I use Nearby Share to share files with someone who is not nearby? A: No, Nearby Share is designed for sharing files and

content between nearby Android devices. If you want to share files with someone who is

not nearby, you will need to use a different method such as email or cloud storage

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