How to cancel YouTube Premium



YouTube Premium is a paid subscription service offered by YouTube that provides access to ad-free videos,

offline viewing, and exclusive content. However, if you no longer wish to use the service,

you can cancel your subscription at any time. Here’s how you can cancel YouTube Premium:

Step 1: Open YouTube and log in to your account. Step 2: Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the screen.

Step 3: Select “Paid memberships” from the dropdown menu. Step 4: Click on “Manage” next to YouTube Premium. Step 5:

Click on “Cancel membership” and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the cancellation process.

Note that if you cancel your subscription, you’ll lose access to all the benefits of YouTube Premium,

including ad-free videos, offline viewing, and exclusive content. Also,

if you cancel in the middle of a billing cycle, you’ll still have access to the service until the end of the cycle.

What is

How to cancel YouTube Premium” is a guide that provides instructions on how to cancel a subscription to YouTube Premium,

a paid subscription service offered by YouTube that provides access to ad-free videos, offline viewing,

and exclusive content. The guide explains the steps to cancel a YouTube Premium subscription,

including logging in to the YouTube account, accessing the “Paid memberships” section, and following the on-screen instructions to

cancel the membership. The guide also notes that cancelling a subscription will result in the loss of all benefits associated

with the service and that access to the service will continue until the end of the

billing cycle if cancelled in the middle of a cycle.

What is usage of

The guide “How to cancel YouTube Premium” is intended for people who have subscribed to the YouTube Premium service

and want to cancel their subscription. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to cancel the subscription,

so users can follow them to terminate the service if they no longer want to use it. The guide can be useful for those who want to

save money, have found other alternatives to watch videos, or are not interested in the exclusive content offered by YouTube

Premium. By using this guide, users can quickly and easily cancel their subscription

without having to search for the information themselves or contact customer support.

How to download

As “How to cancel YouTube Premium” is a guide, it cannot be downloaded as a standalone file or application.

However, you can access the guide by searching for it on the internet or visiting a website that hosts the guide.

Once you have found the guide, you can read it online or print it out for future reference.

Some websites may offer the option to download the guide as a PDF file, which can be saved to your computer or mobile device

for offline viewing. To do this, look for a Download” or “Save as PDF” button or option on the website hosting the guide.

How to use

To use “How to cancel YouTube Premium,” you should follow the steps provided in the

guide to cancel your subscription to YouTube Premium. Here’s how to use the guide:

Locate the guide: You can find the guide by searching for “How to cancel YouTube

Premium” on the internet or visiting a website that hosts the guide.

Read the instructions: Once you have accessed the guide,

read through the step-by-step instructions carefully to ensure you understand the process of canceling your subscription.

Log in to your YouTube account: To cancel your subscription, you will need to be logged in to your YouTube account.

Navigate to the “Paid memberships” section: Click on your profile picture in the top-right

corner of the screen, and select “Paid memberships” from the dropdown menu.

Access the YouTube Premium subscription: Click on “Manage” next to the YouTube Premium subscription.

Cancel your membership: Click on “Cancel membership” and follow the on-screen

instructions to complete the cancellation process.

By following these steps, you will be able to use the guide “How to cancel YouTube

Premium” to cancel your subscription to the service.


Here are some frequently asked questions FAQs) about how to cancel YouTube Premium:

Will I lose access to YouTube Premium benefits immediately after cancelling my subscription? No, you will still have access

to the service until the end of your current billing cycle. After that, you will lose access to all the benefits of the service.

Can I cancel YouTube Premium on my mobile device? Yes, you can cancel your

subscription to YouTube Premium on your mobile device by following the same steps outlined in the guide.

Can I get a refund for my YouTube Premium subscription? If you cancel your subscription within 30 days of the first

purchase, you may be eligible for a refund. After 30 days, however, you will not be able to get a refund.

Will I be able to access my YouTube account after cancelling YouTube Premium? Yes, you

will still be able to access your YouTube account and use it as you did before subscribing to YouTube Premium.

Can I resubscribe to YouTube Premium after cancelling it? Yes, you can resubscribe to

YouTube Premium at any time by following the steps provided on the YouTube website or app.

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